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If you found us, then you must be as crazy about dachshunds as we are.  Everyone thinks there is something special about their dog, but for dachshund owners, we just know it's true!

As good as those short little legs are at getting them into trouble, they are not very good at keeping them high and dry.  That's where we come in.  We think it's time our little friends stay warm and toasty with some high quality, great looking, custom dachshund-engineered outerwear.

People may think you're nuts buying a coat for an animal that was born with one.  But, it's not just a coat; it's stylish. Everyone knows that a well-dressed dachshund is a happy dachshund!  It may not prevent barking, digging, chewing fine Italian leather shoes, or generally making mischief, but it will keep them warm and sooooooooooooo good looking.
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